News and events

Morningside College softball team volunteers

Members of the Morningside College softball team spent an afternoon packing bags for Morningside Elementary.


Morningside Elem

October 2015

Thanksgiving dinner fundraiser

The Turkey Dinner fundraiser in October 2015 raised enough funds to purchase food for 3,032 bags.
The Turkey Dinner fundraiser in October 2015 raised
enough funds to purchase food for 3,032 bags.

Fresh-picked corn in July 2015, ready to be blanched and frozen for the turkey dinner fundraiser in October.
Fresh-picked corn in July 2015, ready to be blanched and
frozen for the turkey dinner fundraiser.

Fall 2015

Food deliveries at Morningside Elementary

In August 2015, Food4Kids partnered with the Salvation Army to deliver tubs packed with food bags to Morningside Elementary.
In August 2015, Food4Kids partnered with the Salvation Army to deliver tubs packed with
food bags to Morningside Elementary.

The Salvation Army truck was met outside Morningside Elementary by custodian Troy Windeshausen, who moves the tubs to the room where they are stored for distribution to students at the end of each week. Tubs with two weeks worth of food bags are delivered at one time.
The Salvation Army truck was met outside Morningside Elementary
by custodian Troy Windeshausen, who moved the tubs to the room where
they are stored for distribution to students at the end of each week.
Tubs with two weeks worth of food bags are delivered at one time.

Students at Morningside Elementary help deliver food bags around the school.
Students at Morningside Elementary help deliver food bags around the school.

Students are excited to receive food bags to take home for the weekend.
Students are excited to receive food bags to take home for the weekend.

May 2015

Donations from Morningside College students

The May 2015 food bags were enhanced with items donated by students at Morningside College to give students a good start to their summer break.
The May 2015 food bags were enhanced with items donated by students at Morningside College to give students a good start to their summer break.

November/December 2014

Thanksgiving and Christmas boxes

25 Thanksgiving food boxes were given to families of participating students in November 2014, and 30 Christmas food boxes were delivered in December 2014.
25 Thanksgiving food boxes were given to families of participating students in November 2014, and 30 Christmas food boxes were delivered in December 2014.

October 2014

Turkey dinner fundraiser

The turkey dinner fundraiser in October 2014 raised enough funds to purchase food for 3,300 bags.
The turkey dinner fundraiser in October 2014 raised enough funds to purchase food for 3,300 bags.

Nov. 22, 2013

Thanksgiving boxes

Lining up the boxes to begin packing turkey dinners for 25 Food4Kids
families. A drawing was held through the Whittier ElementarySchool
office and winners received a box.

Each Thanksgiving box contained an approximately-20-pound turkey,
five pounds of potatoes, two cans of green beans and a frozen pie. Also
included were two jars of pasta sauce and two boxes of spaghetti. 

The filled Thanksgiving boxes lined up at Whittier Elementary for
the winners to pick up after school on Monday, Nov. 22.

Oct. 31, 2013

Stained glass window

This stained glass window insert was created by Dick Wightman, a Food4Kids volunteer. It adorns the window of the door to the program's pantry room at St. James United Methodist Church.

Food4Kids stained glass window

Oct. 6, 2013

Working together to eliminate hunger

Collaborating on this ministry:
  • St. James United Methodist Church
  • St. Luke Lutheran Church
  • St. Mark Lutheran Church
Supporting us through other donations/grants/in-kind support:
  • Sodexo at Morningside College
  • Morningside Lutheran Church
  • The Presbyterian Churches of the Morningside Area, Sioux City
  • NW District of the United Methodist Church
  • Junior League of Sioux City Mildred Anderson Grant
  • Women United Brighter Futures Grant

July 25, 2013

100% Volunteers

More than 100 volunteers have clocked a little over 1,500 hours for the 2012/13 school year, which was our first year.

April 10, 2013

Distributions to students

We began slowly to insure that we could sustain our program.
  • One distribution per month beginning Sept. 19, 2012
  • Two distributions per month beginning November 2012
  • Three distributions per month beginning January 2013
  • Weekly distributions beginning March 2013
The growth, the excitement and the realization of the dream of a meeting in February 2012 is phenomenal.  We have active disciples from our neighborhood churches, the business and religious community at large, and our local neighborhood college.

March 21, 2013

Junior League of Sioux City Mildred Anderson Grant

Beginning this program was a true leap of faith. We actively pursued grant writing. Many, many thanks to the Junior League of Sioux City for the Mildred Anderson Grant we received to help fund and grow our Food4Kids program during our first year! Pictured here are representatives from the Junior League of Sioux City and some of the Food4Kids volunteers.

March 14, 2013

Brighter Futures Grant from Women United

On March 14, 2013, Food4Kids was awarded a substantial Brighter Futures Grant from Women United. This grant secured our ability to grow the program for the remainder of the 2012/13 school year and begin the 2013/14 school year confidently. A small portion of this grant was used for costs associated with becoming an independent 501(c)3.

During regular reporting opportunities, Women United has encouraged and recognized the need for the program we provide. Many heartfelt thank you's from Food4Kids and the children we serve to this organization.

Dec. 5, 2012

Morningside College and Sodexo Food Service join the cause

Sodexo Food Services at Morningside College presented Food4Kids with a donation check and award. In addition, the college's Office of Residence Life organized a food drive for items to fill the Food4Kids bags. We were pulling away from the curb at the college as other cars full of students pulled up to give us more bags of items. The students ran a friendly and motivated competition of various campus residences and supported the Food4Kids cause. Many thank you's to Sodexo and Morningside College of their support during our first year of programming.

Food4Kids volunteers Dick and Virginia Wightman, Jenny Jorgensen,
Kay and Doug Delzell, and Annette Mast with the check and award
from Sodexo Food Services at Morningside College.

Donations from the food drive organized by the Office of
 Residence Life at Morningside College.

Nov. 1, 2012

IAUMC video: Food4Kids

Jenny Jorgensen and Annette Mast, two members of the Food4Kids team, talk about the program's beginnings and the impact it's had on St. James United Methodist Church and the surrounding community.

Video courtesy of the Iowa Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Oct. 1, 2012


On Sept. 19, 2012, a handful of the volunteers for Food4Kids were in attendance at the kickoff for the program. Student and staff representatives from Whittier joined us in pulling wagons loaded with the eight tubs the two blocks from our packing space at St. James UMC to Whittier Elementary.

Food4Kids kickoff

July 1, 2012

Our beginning

In February 2012, we came together to discuss how to address one of the five needs determined from the Healthy Church Initiative study done by St. James United Methodist Church during 2011.

That need was identified as "children in need."

Whittier Elementary is the neighborhood school for the churches working together on this project. It is not served by the Food Bank of Siouxland because of a lack of funding.

Plans began to form a strong collaborative effort to provide a weekend food bag for children who enrolled in the program beginning the fall of 2012.

Executive Director Linda Scheid of the Food Bank of Siouxland guided and supported our start, reminding us: "Do not start a program if you cannot sustain it.  The children count on you."